How to plan a personal branding photoshoot for your business

Having professional photos taken of you when you run your own business can save you multiple headaches.

Are you one those people desperately scrolling through your photos on your phone looking for something that doesn’t scream ‘I drank too many cocktails with the girls and I look a bit drunk’ or ‘I’m pulling this pose because the internet told me I should’?

Or are you a stock photos website scroller sick of the cheesy, and frankly naff, pics getting stressed out by the social media carousel that just keeps spinning and you feel like you can never keep up.

This is where personal branding photography jumps in. Once you’ve had your shoot,you have a delicious gallery of personalised images, all waiting to be used everywhere from websites and email signatures to LinkedIn and Instagram and even TikTok! You never have to try and disguise a gin and tonic in a badly taken selfie again (in fact you can even celebrate your love of gin and tonics in your shoot! More on that later…) and everything just becomes a bit easier.

Branding photography is a positive investment in your business that makes your life easier and puts your clients (and potential ones!) at ease because they know exactly who you are and what you are really like from your truly authentic imagery.

So let’s jump into the best ways to plan a personal branding photoshoot.

First things first, how do you want to use your brand photos?

Are you an avid social media poster, have you got a website to update, do you want people on your email list to recognise those emails as yours? (Honestly the number of times an email pops into my inbox and I can’t for the life of me remember who they are!)

Knowing where you want to use your photos can really help you narrow down what type of package you need and lots of photographers will do different length packages from 20 minute micro sessions through to a full day extravaganza to get you exactly what you need.

It’s also worth bearing in mind what type of images you are looking for. If you spend all day working at your desk then maybe you do need some laptop images, but if your job is to talk to people in person, or host events, then maybe consider bribing some friends to be your model clients. (This can work if you are super nervous too, having a friend at your shoot can really help relax you).

Don’t feel like you need the laptop pictures or the fancy light and airy room with the sofa that looks like a lamb if that doesn’t feel like you. If the Batcave is more of your vibe - that’s cool. Just ask Batman’s permission before you turf him out for the day.

Ok so next thing, have a think about how you want to be seen.

Photos are made to be looked at and your clients will make a judgement when they see you in a photograph about whether or not you are the kind of person they want to work with. This is where you should think about authenticity and what feels right for you.

If you are a giggly, bubbly, full of energy person then you want to think about movement and your photographer will try and capture those in-between, genuine moments. If you want a slightly moodier or more serious feel then don’t feel like you have to jump around like a loon. Just make sure you communicate with your photographer exactly how you feel comfortable showing up.

Side note: If you don’t drink coffee, you don’t need to have a picture with some coffee. Frozen margarita more your vibe? Let’s do that instead. If you want a champagne tower to celebrate your business then let’s go. I don’t think they need to be a wedding exclusive thing…

Don’t forget professional doesn’t need to be void of all personality. You’re a real person and clients buy from humans. They want to know about your obsession with cats (or cat videos - I don’t judge) and they want to get a real idea of who you are.

I am open to a photoshoot with cats. Manifesting here…

Photoshoots are a collaboration.

Your photographer can advise on light, prompts, locations and all the technical stuff and they can make you feel comfortable but if you show up projecting the energy you want to be seen with then you are onto a corker of a shoot.

Onto the trickiest bit - shoot locations.

To keep as authentic as possible, shooting in your workspace, workshop or office is always a good choice. Flowers can spruce up a corner, a nice notebook and a fancy pen can disguise a puddle of unsorted paperwork (and don’t forget the camera only points in one direction. Instagram vs reality is always a fun behind-the-scenes reel option).

However I totally understand that sometimes you work in a cupboard under the stairs, Harry Potter style, and it just isn’t practical if there is absolutely no natural light.

That being said, coffee shops, although sometimes great, are not a solution if you want to guarantee your indoor shots. We could rock up and it is too busy, or the only table is the dingy dark one at the back, or worst case scenario, we could get kicked out. So to guarantee those indoor working shots you need to book a space.

Indoor portraiture can also be a nice option to add variety to your shoot and can make your shoot feel season-less, whereas shooting in a forest in December in the snow is going to feel very wintery. I wouldn’t recommend wearing a summer dress and sandals in minus 3 degrees. You’ll just look nuts.

A good place to start looking for some indoor locations is Peerspace or AirBnB. You can find a good variety of locations for different budgets and I will share more location ideas with you in our planning call to help you out.

What do you do about hair and makeup?

This is entirely personal preference. If you want to go barefaced because that feels natural for you, do it. I personally wash and blow dry my hair the morning of a shoot because it makes me feel really good and when you feel good you’ll be, and look, so much more relaxed.

If it would make you feel calmer to outsource both to a professional then that can be a great option too.

Pro tip: Try not to get a radical haircut the night before a shoot though. I know a lot of business owners book their shoot because they are planning a big chop or want to go a whole new colour and they want to celebrate that. This is all absolutely fine but there is a difference between salon fresh and salon regret. No one wants that energy on a shoot. Book your hair transformation in for a couple of weeks before your shoot!

Ok nearly there, what to wear?

For a half day shoot I suggest 3-4 outfits and 5-6 for a full day. By having multiple outfits you can bring different vibes and have a good variety in your imagery.

Wear something that makes you check yourself in the mirror ‘ooo yeah’s’ and ‘yess girl!’ are encouraged. But also bear in mind that we walk a lot on shoots so try and be comfy and feel like yourself.

It can be fun to finish on an ultra extra outfit. That one that hides in the back of your wardrobe but you never have the opportunity to wear. You know the one. Dust it off, get it out and live your best life. This photoshoot is a business resource but it is also a celebration of you and you are absolutely allowed to have a bit of fun.

Now for the most important bit. Start being kind to yourself. Now.

Photogenic doesn’t exist. It’s about confidence. The more confident you are in front of the camera the more it will radiate towards you and confidence is accessible to everyone.

It’s a myth that introverted people can’t be confident. All it means is that it takes longer to fill back their social energy levels after intense social situations. It doesn’t mean that they can’t be confident about what they do and how they are doing it.

So you can start being kinder to yourself today. Don’t tell yourself that you can’t do something because you’re scared of it. Be your own hype girl. Honestly, it will be a freeing experience.

I hope this helped!

If you are still looking for a branding photographer and you would like to know more about me and my packages then please do take a good look and feel free to pop me an email!


A Cambridge Brand Photoshoot with Equine Photographer, Beth Hicks


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