Why my sunshine-filled labrador energy is harder to tap into right now…

I’m trying to buy and sell a house.

If you’ve ever been through this process in England you will absolutely understand. My fiancé and I have wanted to move for 2 years, we have put in offers on 3 different properties, had multiple accepted offers on our own property and had them drop out one by one in varying degrees of time from a couple of days to multiple months.

We have also had our hearts broken twice.

I realise that I write this with a certain degree of privilege. I am incredibly fortunate to be with a partner where we can build a life together as a team and purchase a property for us to spend forever in. I am incredibly grateful that my clients believe in me enough to keep coming back and supporting my business and therefore my income.

This, however, doesn’t take away from the whole turbulent tornado of unsettling feelings I have been existing with for the last couple of years.

I’m not sure if all people buying houses experience it like I have, but it is an intensely emotional process. When I was looking for a place to make a home I was looking for a future. A place to celebrate milestones, make memories, cherish and love. A place that was going to hold business possibilities, new ideas and productivity. A place to relax in, enjoy and be with loved ones. A new place for the cats to rip up the carpet in…

Image of me captured by the amazing Julia Pouly

I have never had stress manifest itself so physically in my body before. It feels like an aching, heavy, constantly squirming lump in the pit of my stomach that casually jumps up to sit on my chest every so often and make it harder to breathe. It’s the constant brain fog, and edging on the verge of tears. It makes life just a little bit harder.

I don’t have children (even if my I treat my cats like it). But as long as they get breakfast, dinner and the odd cuddle they are pretty content. I realise that if I had tiny, dependable humans then that would be a whole other kettle of fish.

It’s the living on the verge of a complete reformation of my life situation with absolutely no control over what happens next and a financial ticking time bomb in the form of mortgage rates that is causing my body it’s physical reaction.

Another creative masterpiece by Julia.

I wanted to write this because I have had a lot of wonderful supportive humans tell me that my life recently looks so exciting. And I’m not going to lie to you, it is.

I have worked with some incredible people at the top of their field in some bucket list locations and getting to shoot weddings and build a wedding photo and film business from the ground up is so much fun. Hard work, but incredible.

And I like to operate with a sunshine-filled, labrador puppy energy. I like to get shit done, I like to do it well and nothing but my absolute best is good enough. So my online presence can be a lot of sunshine and rainbows.

So without wanting to ramble on too much, to those of you out there who have the stomach-filling stress ball, I see you.

A wonderful friend of mine told me that when things get too tough write a best case scenario list. Because it’s so easy to jump to the worst case, that manually writing down the best cases can put you in the right mindset to make them happen, or at the very least you are putting out good vibes into the universe and hoping for the best.

So here’s mine. Out in the very public, internet universe to try and encourage all the best vibes I can get.

  1. Our buyers are so in love with our house they can’t sign the contracts fast enough.

  2. No more lawyers questions, price negotiations. Every party in the chain is happy.

  3. A moving date aligns in all chain parties’ calendar and there is no fighting.

  4. We pack up the boxes swiftly, nothing gets broken and we get to sit on the floor surrounded by boxes eating take out pizza.

  5. We have a huge house warming party to celebrate.

  6. Business carries on as usual and our quality of life improves with a better office space, no more terrace living, not next to a noisy railway and without a scrap metal yard that likes to push over a mountain of noise everyday at 7am.

And don’t even talk to me about trying to plan my wedding. That’s, as you can imagine, very much on the back burner. Apart from the photographer. That’s obviously sorted…

Contact me if you are interested in supporting my small business. I would love to help.


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