How to make money with your face

And I’m not talking about OnlyFans…

Let’s level here. Your customers want to buy from you because they like you, they admire you, they want to be you or they can relate to you. You and your service or product make their lives easier, make them feel seen or heard and make them feel special.

Every business has a secret sauce and I’ll tell you right now what yours is. Spoiler alert it’s you.

BUT. And it’s a big but… Your customers can only relate to you if they recognise you and the best way to be recognised is to plaster your face all over the internet and your branding touch points. (Branding touchpoints is a fancypants way of saying, every channel you communicate with your customers on from your website, socials, brochures and flyers to your packaging.) Now you don’t need to put your face on your business card, that verges on a bit creepy… But putting your face on your email newsletter at the bottom is great. The amount of times I’ve forgotten who is emailing me and why, I scroll down to the bottom of the email to see who it is and can’t remember who that particular Amy is! But if I saw her face, I’d instantly recognise who she is, what she does and why she’s jumping into my inbox in seconds. It’s such a quick fix it’s almost criminal not to add your face to your newsletter.

You can also use pictures of your face all over your brand. Check out this blog post to get some ideas!

Now I totally understand that putting yourself out there is a big step and it takes a lot of internal pep talks and courage to go ahead and pull the trigger on booking that shoot. But what if I told you, you could dip your toe in the water?

Have you heard of a Micro Photoshoot?

It literally does what it says on the tin. 20 mins of energy, swirling, twirling and giggling with me and Bob’s your uncle, your shoot is done. Easy peasy. Plaster well and truly ripped off.

And EVERY single one of my clients has done a shoot with me and gone, ‘Oh I quite enjoyed that actually…’

Sounds like the cup of tea you’re looking for? Find all the details here.

Have a little mooch around some of the photos that I have done with some business owners that committed to getting visible online and have since put their face at the forefront of their businesses and THRIVED.

This could be you too.

Check out my latest Microshoot availablity here.

Want something longer, slower, more chilled and more you? Get in touch and we can make that happen too. I have clients who don’t want the high energy short bursts and instead opt for a power hour or full branding shoot so they can take everything more at their own pace. I’ve got the perfect solution to help you put your face out their more.

Get in touch:

Drop me an email or an Instagram voice note or fill in my contact form:


When are you ready to invest in professional branding photography?


4 reasons why your small business needs a micro branding photoshoot