4 reasons why your small business needs a micro branding photoshoot

First things first, what is a Micro branding photoshoot?

A Micro branding photoshoot is a 20 minute, fast paced, action packed version of a full personal branding photoshoot that focuses on headshots of you! They are perfect for a quick top up of images for your business image bank. For example, if you’ve had a haircut or just need to refresh a profile image or an ‘about me’ page on your website, or if you just need a new injection of images into your social media content. 

Micro branding shoots are also perfect for those who have never been in front of the camera before and are a bit nervous to book a full photoshoot. It’s the perfect ‘dip your toe in the water’ kind of situation. 

Why should I have a Micro branding photoshoot?

Micro branding photoshoots are fun!

Unlike school picture day, where you stood in front of a stuffy grey background, had a bored looking photographer click a button and inevitably be told off by your mum for pulling a funny face, we get to chat, move our bodies and feel empowered in front of the camera. 

You don’t have to panic about what to do in front of the camera.

I work with loads of people who are nervous in front of the camera and I guide you with silly prompts, bad dad jokes and the odd sarcastic quip to get those authentic facial expressions. On a micro shoot, I will work out really quickly what your vibe is and we’ll get some great shots from there! 

Micro photoshoots ease you into the idea of having a full branding shoot. 

I feel you. I was the same before my first shoot - I thought it would be awkward and I would shrivel up in the camera like a vampire in the sunlight. In fact quite the opposite. AND with every shoot I celebrate my confidence and my authenticity and they get more and more fun. Trust me. I’ve been where you are. Plus these 20 minutes shoots are less time than it takes to cook a meal. Blink and you miss it! 

You get to work with me as your photographer at a fraction of my usual rate!

My day rate is over £1k and this is an exclusive opportunity to work with me for less than the price of that air fryer you’re obsessed with! 


Can I get more than 2 photos?

Of course! Within a week you’ll be sent your personalised digital gallery with up to 15-25 images in it for you to choose your 2 included. For an extra photo it’s £60, an extra two for £100 or you can purchase the whole gallery for £200.

How do I book?

Head to this page to see my latest availability!


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