What I’m actually thinking when I’m taking a photo of you

You’ve probably had this whole thought process instead of clicking on this big contact me button haven’t you:


What you’re thinking:

She’ll pick up the camera and look at me. Dead pan. Waiting for me to do something. I’ll feel awkward and remember that badly covered up spot on my nose that makes me look like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. Then I’ll sit on the floor, but I can’t do that because my squishy bits stick out of my jeans. Wait! I can’t wear jeans, that’s not professional enough. Hang on, what about my crooked nose, or my jaggedy teeth. That’s all anyone is going to see. Then they won’t look past that bit and want to find out what I actually do, they’ll be too fixated on my teeth. Or my skin. No one is going to take me seriously with my blotchy skin. And what should I wear? I HATE my wardrobe, I don’t feel good in anything. Oh I wont get my picture taken. My customers don’t actually need to know about me - why would they even care? I just won’t show up in my business. My service is great, people can read my mind and know all about me through posting my lunch on instagram stories. Oh wait. But no one is buying in my business. Maybe I should just shut the business down. Maybe I shouldn’t try and achieve my dreams. They were too big anyway.

Sound familiar? Maybe write down your stream of consciousness about why you won’t click on that big button up there. See where you end up. Did you close down your business too?

Photo’s of me at my own photoshoot, getting weird and rolling around on the floor in a ballgown!


Why you’re thinking it:

It’s so normal to have hang ups on what we look like. We grew up with our parents and our parent’s parents making jokes about working off that cheeky piece of cake or not going in for second helpings because we’re trying to ‘be good’. We probably all say this stuff from time to time. Now we’re covering up textured skin so we can be ‘flawless’. Kids out there are using apps that filter without even declaring it and in some cases knowing they are doing it.

I grew up with the most quotable thing being ‘NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS’.

What a load of interminable bollocks.

And if you allow me to jump on my angry feminist high horse for a second, all of this is because men in advertising agencies decided that skinny & smooth was sexy. They also decided that white and blonde was superior but that is a whole different conversation.

So let’s go back to why you didn’t press on this button:


Here’s what I’m really thinking when I’m behind the camera:

‘Doesn’t she look so happy, vibrant, excited. Oh my goodness I can’t wait to see these pictures. I can imagine the huge smile she’ll have when she tells people she had this really great shoot. Watch her transform from a tad nervous to walking that imaginary runway. Doesn’t she look like she’s in charge! She’s giving me so much energy, I’m so inspired maybe I can try this cool new thing. I could listen to her talk about what she does ALL DAY. It’s fascinating. How is this even my job? I literally just get to chat to cool business women and literally dance in the streets with happiness. Do you reckon she wants to grab bubbles with my afterwards and celebrate?’

There is literally nothing appearance related in this thought process. Unless I am obsessed with your fuzzy pink coat, epic blazer or you’re rocking a ballgown then I’m probably salivating over your fashion choices. Because if you rock up in a ballgown, you know we are heading for a celebratory drink after that shoot.

So I’m going to leave this here for you one more time. Just in case you’ve changed your mind about getting some kick ass, personality packed photos for your business.


There are multiple ways to work with me

You can dip your toe in the water with a 20 minute Microshoot. See latest availability here. Or I offer power hours, half days or full days.

Not sure what’s best for you?

Drop me an email or an Instagram voice note and I’m happy to help you get what’s best for you.


More photos of me having my own photos taken. Because it’s important to show you that I went through everything you are thinking too. All photos by Fields Photography Stories.


How I found my self confidence


Sunny branding photoshoot in East London with Amy from Fields Photography Stories