How bespoke stock images for your business can stop your headache.

Now I’m not diving into Chinese medicine here and I am no registered GP but, I have proven with clients, time and again, that a good cure for the small business owner headache is a gallery of personalised photos. I’m not talking about holiday snaps or random pictures of flowers (unless you’re a gardener or a florist!), but good quality photos of you and your business.

Read this if you want to see more about what types of photos that help then I’ve written about which branding photos you actually need in your business.

Your dream, small business, life

Imagine this, you wake up in the morning to an enquiry from a respected journalist who can’t wait to feature you in Vogue. Happy dance - am I right? Such an exciting opportunity for you. She’s asked you for a headshot and within 5 minutes you’ve hopped on to your digital gallery selected a couple of favourites, and sent them to her.

Job done, you’re in print next month and your business is FLYING.

An hour later you have this amazing new service you want to sell and you want something with loads of background space to pop onto your Instagram stories so you can put some text and a link over the top. No panic, that’s a less than five minute job too. Even quicker if you’ve already downloaded them to your phone, added them to a ‘stock images’ folder and they are literally at your fingertips ready to post.

After lunch you realised that your website needs a facelift. That’s not a problem, you told your photographer before your shoot that you needed a good variety of landscape and portrait pictures to be able to populate that ‘About me’ page and show up on your homepage too. She listened and they are all there. Ready to export in web size too so you don’t even have to try and manhandle the file sizes. Win.

What’s not included in this scenario?

  1. Stock Image Hell

    Scrolling through stock image websites wanting to vomit on your desk at the latest, overly post, crispy white image that screams like it’s been sanitised. No thanks.

  2. Sending selfies to Vogue

    Sending a respected journalist a selfie that you’ve artistically cropped the gin glass out of. Let’s be honest, that kind of thing might put her off even featuring you.

  3. Clients not trusting you

    Clients landing on your website, recognising the images from the other websites they’ve seen and leaving immediately. They can’t trust copycats.

  4. Hating yourself

    You publishing your latest book and hating your face on the inside sleeve cover. Why would you submit that photo when you could work with someone that makes you feel great and look happy or content in the process.

I’ve been where you are

I know I’m biased, as a branding photographer, but I had my own photos taken officially and it really upped my own personal confidence to go out and sell myself. I also had spent a year DIY-ing the photos and trying things out which lead to inconsistency and a whole manner of frustration but I can now hand on heart say I am obsessed with the images I have. I even have a couple of them on my wall so I could remember the moment. Remember feeling empowered, excited and ready to make business boom.

I want that for you.

So take a look at how I work and then maybe drop me a DM or fill out my enquiry form. I’d love to help you get some confidence and stop those marketing headaches with a click of my shutter*.

*It’s more complicated than that but I liked the sentence.


📍 I work all over the UK and I am so ready to help you bring your vision to life and get photos that really reflect your personality and your business. It’s go time, let’s do this!


How I’m revamping my finances with Profit First as a creative, UK-based, sole trader that can’t speak corporate American.


Pop up shop event photography in Shoreditch